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Click SEC logo below for all sporting event schedules

Andrea Schmidt

Activities Director

Phone: (651) 635-1670

Natalie Crosby

Activities Administrative Assistant

Phone: (651) 635-1670

Alex Reak

Activities Coordinator

Phone: (651) 604-1469


1240 County Road B2 W
Roseville, MN 55113

Raiders News

Spring Sports Are Open for Registration!

By Natalie Crosby 02/05/2025, 2:45pm CST

High School Spring Sports Start Dates:

Ultimate Frisbee - February 24th

Softball, Track & Field, Adapted Softball - March 10th

Golf, Baseball, Boys Volleyball - March 17th

Boys Tennis - March 24th

Clay Target - March 30th

Lacrosse - March 31st

*NEW* Girls Flag Football - around April 1st

Please follow this link for registration links and for all FAQ's.

Questions about captains practice and the regular season? Go to and search the sport for coach contact information.

All students are required to have a valid physical exam form on file with the RAHS or RAMS/PV Activities Office. 

Physicals are valid for three years. If a physical expires during the upcoming season, a new physical is required before a student will be allowed to register.

Winter Sports Are Open for Registration!

By Natalie Crosby 10/02/2024, 8:15am CDT

Start dates for MSHSL Sports are:

Dance Team - 10/21

Girls Hockey - 10/28

Gymnastics - 11/11

Alpine Ski - 11/11

Nordic Ski - 11/11

Girls Basketball - 11/11

Boys Hockey - 11/11

Boys Basketball - 11/18

Wrestling - 11/18

Adapted Floor Hockey - 11/25

Boys Swimming and Diving - 12/2

Please follow this link for registration links and for all FAQ's.

Questions about captains practice and the regular season? Go to and search the sport for coach contact information.

All students are required to have a valid physical exam form on file with the RAHS or RAMS/PV Activities Office.

Physicals are valid for three years. If a physical expires during the upcoming season, a new physical is required before a student will be allowed to register.

Fall Sports Registration Now Open

By Andrea Schmidt 07/09/2024, 12:15pm CDT

Please follow this link for registration links and for all FAQ's.

All High School Fall Sports Start on August 12th!

Tryouts will begin this week for all programs so please be registered and ready to go before August 12th.

Questions about captains practice and the regular season? Go to and search the sport for coach contact information.

All students are required to have a valid physical exam form on file with the RAHS or RAMS/PV Activities Office.

Physicals are valid for three years. If a physical expires during the upcoming season, a new physical is required before a student will be allowed to register.

Follow this link for TCO's FREE High School Sports Physicals dates, locations, and registration information.


Annual Sports Registration Dates

  • Fall Sports: Opens on July 1
  • Winter Sports: Opens on October 1 
  • Spring Sports: Opens on February 1 

We use an online system called EduTrak Connect to register students for athletics. Student athletes and parent/guardians can complete all paperwork and submit payment (credit/debit card and check) using the  online system.

If you have any other questions regarding registration or fees, please click on the "Registration/Fees" tab.


All students are required to have a valid physical exam form on file with the RAHS or RAMS/PV Activities Office.

Physicals are valid for three years. If a physical expires during the upcoming season, a new physical is required before a student will be allowed to register.


Why We Play

Article from MSHSL


Roseville Area Schools believe that participating in activities is a privilege students earn by maintaining academic standards and good conduct while in the classroom, at activities, and in the greater community. 

What we do:

Provide competitive and high-level educational based athletics and activities programming.  Our coaches and advisors also focus on teaching leadership skills, character development, sportsmanship, citizenship, time management, a healthy approach to winning and losing, and how to be a positive member of a team. 

Why we do it:

Activities provide access to learning opportunities beyond the classroom.  Studies show that students who participate in high school activities exhibit more confidence, compassion, and self-respect.  It is our hope that, through participation in activities, our students will be even better prepared to enter the world beyond high school.